What is b19?
b19 is your clean energy, fat-loss solution.
We've brought together a precise blend of hand-picked ingredients that attack weight loss and combat cravings from multiple angles.
Never before has a supplement so intricately brought together ingredients that help you achieve your fat-loss goals all the while improving mood, motivation, focus, and performance.
Extreme Thermogenic for Men & Women
- Increased calorie-burning & energy expenditure
- Powerful fat-burning
- Fast-acting, sustained clean energy
- Enhanced mental & physical performance
- Decreased feelings of hunger
How Does b19 Work?
Strong, Sustained Clean Energy
You don't need us to tell you that one of the first things to take a hit after going on a reduced-calorie diet is the amount of mental and physical energy you have during the day.
This is perfectly natural.
You're willingly decreasing the amount of energy you're giving your body, yet you're demanding it to maintain or increase its level of output (typically through added cardio sessions).
To combat these feelings of low energy/motivation, we've brought together a potent blend of energy enhancers to keep you movin' & groovin' all day long. More importantly, we've also avoided the hallmark pitfalls of traditional fat burners and diet pills -- jitters and crashes.
Our blend of energy enhancers throttles feelings of mental energy and alertness without leaving you feeling on edge or in need of a "pick me up" later in the day.
How did we accomplish this?
By bringing together a handful of select ingredients at precise dosages, including:
- 300mg caffeine anhydrous
- 20mg isopropylnorsynephrine
- 2mg rauwolscine
Increased Mood & Feelings of Well-Being
We've all experienced being hangry.
There's no denying that when you're dieting, you'll get a bit "testy' at times, and when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. You're limiting how much food you eat each day (and probably cutting back some of your "favorite" foods as well), all the while increasing how much cardio you're doing each day or week.
This is the perfect recipe for increased feelings of irritability.
b19 includes a synergistic blend of ingredients that boost mood and make you not an absolute wretch to be around.
This is accomplished through the actions of ingredients like Eria Jarenesis, PEA, and hordenine which enhance feelings of well-being and euphoria.
Eria Jarensis and PEA provide a strong, fast-acting mood-enhancing effect while hordenine inhibits the activities of an enzyme that decreases these feel-good chemicals in the body.
The end result is stronger, longer-lasting feelings of well-being and euphoria, which also has the added effect of making the process of dieting and weight loss that much more manageable.
Greater Calorie Burning & Thermogenesis
At the end of the day, you can take all the stims and mood enhancers you want, but if you're not actually burning more calories than you consume, you're not going to lose weight.
This is why b19 not only includes agents that enhance energy, mood & focus, but also supplements that support fat burning and increased energy expenditure.
Here's an overview of the multi-faceted approach we take to enhancing calorie burning and weight loss:
- Tyrosine: amino acid used to synthesize dopamine, as well as the catecholamines, including norepinephrine and epinephrine, that play a key role in the fat burning process
- White Kidney Bean Extract: inhibit the α-amylase, limiting carbohydrate digestion and absorption
- Cayenne Pepper: increased energy expenditure, activates brown fat thermogenesis, and reduces appetite
- Paradoxine: patented grains of paradise extract noted to increase brown fat thermogenesis, enhance energy expenditure, and reduce body fat mass (including visceral fat) and waist circumference
- Lean GBB: a precursor to carnitine that supports the body's ability to utilize fatty acids for energy (ATP) production, thus support actual fat burning
- Rauwolscine: inhibits a biological process that hinders fat burning, thereby supporting the body's ability to effectively mobilize stored body fat for energy production (i.e. fat burning)
Weight loss can be a real drag.
Many attempt to lose weight, but few can stay the course to achieve the actual results they want to.
This occurs for many reasons, but more often than not, it boils down to lack of motivation, feeling crummy all the time, or being in a state of constant hunger.
b19 was formulated to be your one-stop weight loss solution.
Energy, mood, focus, and hunger control.
That's what b19 embodies, and it's why b19 should be your go-to solution for weight loss!